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Anger Management Hypnotherapy

Regular price £12.49
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Do you get angry way too easily?
Do you bottle things up and explode?
Do you get annoyed at even the smallest of things?
Has your anger ever got you into trouble?
Do you feel like you can never get rid of whatever gives you rage?

Our audio hypnotherapy download can help you control your anger, enabling you to feel much calmer and able to deal with situations that would normally make you see red.

"Byebye anger. I've used it four times since downloading it, and although I am not completely free of my demons, I am so much better and I can see the path to a milder, patient and caring future."Jess, Telford, UK

If you suffer from volatile anger, passive anger, judgemental anger, self-inflicted anger, chronic or overwhelming anger, then turn to our hypnotherapy session and set yourself on the road to freedom from annoyance and fury.

Imagine what it would be like to:

  • Develop healthier, more delightful relationships with family and friends
  • Remain calm and keep your cool in any situation
  • Feel a sense of inner peace even when triggered by the little things
  • Calm others down with your new sense of tranquility

This 20 minute hypnotherapy audio download helps you reprogram your angry mind, giving you a great opportunity to live a calm anger-free and tranquil life.

92% of our clients who listen to their session only once find it effective.

Why Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a trance-like state in which you have heightened focus and concentration. When you're under hypnosis, you usually feel calm and relaxed, and are more open to suggestions.

Hypnotherapy is used when you are in this relaxed state and can help you gain control over undesired behaviours or to help you cope better with anxiety or pain. It's important to know that although you're more open to suggestion during hypnosis, you don't lose control over your behaviour.

Hypnotherapy gets to the root cause of your problem, enabling you to rewire your subconscious mind and change your habits and mindset for good.

How Do I Use My Audio Session?

As part of your session purchase, you'll receive one or more audio MP3 files of your hypnotherapy session. You can listen to these audio files on virtually any device (mobile phone, laptop, tablet etc) and when you click on it, it will open up in your audio player.

Will Hypnosis Work For Me?

Hypnotherapy works for the vast majority of people.

You've got a habit and the chances are that you're experiencing a battle between the conscious and subconscious mind. The conscious part of our mind houses logic, rational decision-making and willpower. But did you know that this part of our mind makes up only about 12% of our total brainpower? The remaining 88% is all happening on a subconscious level.

If you're struggling to change a behavior or habit, it's because on some level there is a subconscious motivation to keep it. Remember that everybody is different and therefore results and response times do vary from person to person. Hypnotherapy works for the vast majority of people.

Hypnotherapy makes suggestions to you when your body is deeply relaxed and your mind is alert. When we can access and change your subconscious mind, we can begin to make positive changes in your life.

As long as you want to change, hypnotherapy can give you the best chance of succeeding.

Download this session to give you that chance.

When Shouldn't I Use Hypnotherapy?

Do not use hypnosis sessions while driving, operating machinery or undertaking any task that may risk your health if you are relaxed. Check this FAQ for further details.

Download this audio if you want to be free of your anger and want to live a calmer, peaceful life.

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woman wearing headphones listening to self-hypnosis session

What do the sessions sound like?

Here's a general clip for you to listen to. Don't forget to put your volume up to to a comfortable level.