Eliminate your fear of motorway driving

Motorway driving anxiety

Fear of motorway driving, also known as "highway anxiety," can be a challenging issue for some people. Here are some tips that may help you overcome your fear of motorway driving:

  1. Practice gradually: Start by driving on less busy roads, then gradually work your way up to driving on motorways. This will help you gain confidence and feel more comfortable on the road.

  2. Plan your route: Plan your journey ahead of time so that you know where you are going and what to expect on the way. Use a GPS or map to help you navigate.

  3. Drive with a more experienced driver: Consider driving with a more experienced driver, such as a friend or family member, who can help you gain confidence and provide guidance.

  4. Get familiar with your car: Make sure you are familiar with your car's features, such as cruise control and blind spot monitoring, so you can use them effectively.

  5. Stay in the left lane: Stay in the left lane if you are not comfortable driving at high speeds. This lane is for slower-moving traffic, and it will help you feel less pressure.

  6. Use the hard shoulder: If you feel overwhelmed or need a break, you can use the hard shoulder to pull over and take a breather.

  7. Stay focused: Stay focused on the road and your driving, and avoid distractions such as your phone or the radio.

Remember, the more you practice and the more comfortable you become, the easier it will be to overcome your fear of motorway driving. If you still struggle with anxiety, consider speaking to a professional who can help you develop coping strategies or refer you to therapy.